God revealed to be Transgender.
Religious leaders and followers are shocked and dismayed as they quickly try to back-peddle previous anti-LGBT statements.

Droves of the faithful refuse to believe because their bigotry and prejudice is a more comfortable hat for them to wear than actually following their religion as specified.
"I've laid it out for you all, it's written right there in the bible." says God. "It's not my fault you can't see it. It's a plain as day. You picked up on that slavery thing pretty quickly, I don't understand why you can't see this."
LGBT Community excited.
When interviewing George Nathan Swanson, a spokesperson for the LGBT community, they had this to say, "That's great. God can be whomever they want to be. Maybe now people will stop persecuting us for be just trying to be who we are."
Proof in the Bible
A spokesperson for God at a press release yesterday had this to say, "The text can't be laid out more clearly. In Genesis, for example, women and men are created in the “Imago Dei,” image of God, which suggests that God transcends socially constructed notions of gender. Furthermore, Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible written in the seventh century B.C., states that God gave birth to Israel.
In the oracles of the eighth century prophet Isaiah, God is described as a woman in labor and a mother comforting her children.
And the Book of Proverbs maintains that the feminine figure of Holy Wisdom, Sophia, assisted God during the creation of the world.
Indeed, The Church Fathers and Mothers understood Sophia to be the “Logos,” or Word of God. Additionally, Jewish rabbis equated the Torah, the law of God, with Sophia, which means that feminine wisdom was with God from the very beginning of time.
Perhaps one of the most remarkable things ever said about God in the Hebrew Bible occurs in Exodus 3 when Moses first encounters the deity and asks for its name. In verse 14, God responds, “I am who I am,” which is simply a mixture of “to be” verbs in Hebrew without any specific reference to gender. If anything, the book of Exodus is clear that God is simply “being,” which echoes later Christian doctrine that God is spirit.
In fact, the personal name of God, Yahweh, which is revealed to Moses in Exodus 3, is a remarkable combination of both female and male grammatical endings. The first part of God’s name in Hebrew, “Yah,” is feminine, and the last part, “weh,” is masculine. In light of Exodus 3, the feminist theologian Mary Daly asks, “Why must ‘God’ be a noun? Why not a verb – the most active and dynamic of all.”
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